Do you ever feel like you’re trying to be someone you’re not?
Or that you’re put on this earth to do something incredible, but just can’t seem to find your way. Do you want to do more, but don’t have the motivation, passion or energy to explore it?
Do you ever feel confused about life - not sure what to do, where to go - and always looking for something external to fill that void?
Every day, we live life on autopilot.
We live in constant misalignment, torn between those two parts of ourselves, disconnected from our intuition.
And one day we wake up asking ourselves, is this it?
That part of you that’s missing right now, dwells at the core of who you are. It’s screaming to be let out.
The inner child is constantly trying to get your attention but we have forgotten how to listen. And when we ignore our true feelings and gut instincts, we are ignoring that child within.